I've switched to ArchLinux from Fedora a couple of months ago and I really miss the mirror of Fedora on FPT (my current ISP). A few days ago, I wrote an email to ask the FPT mirrors admin to add a mirror for ArchLinux to their mirror systems. Here is what I wrote (in Vietnamese):
Basically, what I said is ArchLinux is a popular distro, it's in top 20 of DistroWatch (02 Mar 2009) and asking them to setup a mirror for ArchLinux.
And here is their reply (in Vietnamese):
What they said is: "Thanks for your suggestion. We will mirror ArchLinux ASAP. We hope to receive your suggestions in the future". I have changed my real name and the name of the author of the above email. It's great news for Arch lovers in Vietnam.
At the moment, FPT have mirrors for the following distros: CentOS, Debian, Fedora, Gentoo, Mandriva, openSUSE, Slackware and Ubuntu.
Gởi Admin mirror của FPT.
Arch Linux (www.archlinux.org)
là một distro khá phổ biến hiện nay (Arch đang đứng trong top 20 distro
phổ biến theo Distrowatch.com). Nếu được, mình xin admin cài đặt một
mirror tại http://mirror-fpt-telecom.fpt.net/. Mình gởi bạn địa chỉ URL của ArchLinux repository: ftp://ftp.archlinux.org/
Hi vọng mình sớm được thấy ArchLinux repositories sẽ xuất hiện trong danh sách mirror của FPT.
Cám ơn Admin rất nhiều!
Basically, what I said is ArchLinux is a popular distro, it's in top 20 of DistroWatch (02 Mar 2009) and asking them to setup a mirror for ArchLinux.
And here is their reply (in Vietnamese):
Chào ,
Cám ơn về ý kiến đóng góp của bạn. Chúng tôi sẽ mirror archlinux trong thời gian sớm nhất.
Mong nhận được những ý kiến đóng góp tiếp theo của bạn.
What they said is: "Thanks for your suggestion. We will mirror ArchLinux ASAP. We hope to receive your suggestions in the future". I have changed my real name and the name of the author of the above email. It's great news for Arch lovers in Vietnam.
At the moment, FPT have mirrors for the following distros: CentOS, Debian, Fedora, Gentoo, Mandriva, openSUSE, Slackware and Ubuntu.
We have a mirror but it can only be accessed in the late evenings. A German company is donating the bandwidth. We are trying to get QTSC to also give more bandwidth and sponsor a mirror as well.
Tell me when the mirror at FPT is up.
Yeah, I know of that mirror too, it's in the mirror list of pacman with a big warning about DNS problem.
FPT is my ISP at home and at work, that's why I ask them to mirror ArchLinux, I think other ArchLinux users in Vietnam using FPT internet service will be benefit from this too.
Are you using FPT internet service, SaigonNezumi?
We'll deploy blog and forum about open source software in the future. We're looking forward your suggestions anh contributions.
mirror@fpt.net: Way to go! Just give me a shout when your blog/forum is up!
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