Xvnkb is now in AUR

I just submitted my first package to the AUR, it's xvnkb-0.2.9a. If you are using Yaourt, you can install it by entering the command:
yaourt -S xvnkb
After installing, you have to put this to your .bashrc:
export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/xvnkb.so
That's it! Don't forget to vote for it after the installation :).
I have an annoying problem with xvnkb on Arch, it uses CPU a little higher than normal, I've never experienced this before on Fedora or Ubuntu.
Another thing need to mention is GIMP give me a segmentation fault at start up with the above LD_PRELOAD. This is expected as many people experienced this before. A quick and dirty workaround is to unset the LD_PRELOAD right before launching GIMP. In the terminal, do this:
unset LD_PRELOAD;gimp &
If you don't prefer the "command-line", create a small executable bash script file and put it in your PATH, I called it gimp-launcher.sh with the following content:
unset LD_PRELOAD;gimp $1 &
Next, find the .desktop file of GIMP (I'm using Arch and it's located at /usr/share/applications/gimp.desktop, your distro may put it in a different place), replace the line Exec and TryExec with:
Exec=gimp-launcher.sh %U
And now, you can use GIMP as normal.
I've filed a bug report about this, hopefully the GIMP developers will fix this in the next release.


SaigonNezumi (Kevin) on February 17, 2009 at 11:13 PM

Nice to see a Arch developer in Vietnam. There seems to be a growing community of Arch users here now. Do you know clarious?

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